
This forum is a paradox.

<Comment deleted by user>
I made similar threads like this about psychology like 2 years ago.
Idk , but I think the Forum has seen better times, a few years ago the Posts were more Chess related, i mean a bit more serious than nowadays ...
My views about these existential questions:

1. The symbols cant be random as they have meaning. Also, even if they are random, the computer / forum (refereed to as forum from now on) is just a means of communication between individuals.

2. I am sure the universe exists. The fact that I can wonder whether the universe exists is proof it does. People much smarter than I proved this 100s of years ago. "Cogito, ergo sum" (i think therefore I am) - Renes Descartes

3. It is impossible to confuse 'real reality' with 'lucid dream reality' while lucid dreaming because by definition a lucid dream is when you realize that you are dreaming. (Lucid dreams are when you know that you're dreaming while you're asleep. -WebMD)
it can't be a paradox though. I think the term you're looking for is 'illusion'? A paradox is ,"a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true." The forum isn't really contradictory right? Also, when you talk about lucid dreaming, aren't you able to control your dream? Therefore, wouldn't you be able to control the dream?
Consider this:
As illustrated by 5 and 6, there is no good evidence to support the claim that the thread is paradoxical.
However, the writing of the thread is based around the concept that the thread is paradoxical.

I believe the OP was unintentionally correct, assuming that he meant "forum" as a synonym of "thread"
#7, perhaps, but in order for the thread to be a paradox, the thread (forum) would need to make some sort of claim, something for it to contradict.

The statement, this forum is a paradox isn't a paradox because it has no truth condition.

The 3 statements that the OP intended to be paradoxes aren't for reasons I listed above.

Therefore, the forum isn't a paradox.

They are interesting topics for discussion, as shown by the interest they generated. But I would describe them more as 'food for thought' or 'existential questions' rather than paradoxes. A paradox is something that has a true and false truth value simultaneously, or violates its own truth condition. EX: This statement is false.

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