
How to Stay Focused and Calm When You Have a Winning Position in Chess

@vbjay105 said in #4:
> No one realized the super racist photo here?
i am living in a communistic country, communistic UE and i have noticed that some communists might report that picture :)
@vbjay105 said in #4:
> No one realized the super racist photo here?
I asked AI about this image and this is what it gave me:

Assuming that the image is racist, it would be because it violates the principles of respect, fairness, and equality.
It implies that black people are less capable or less worthy of winning a chess game than people of other races.
It mocks and humiliates them for their supposed lack of awareness or competence.
It reinforces negative stereotypes and prejudices that have been used to oppress and marginalize black people for centuries.
It contributes to a culture of racism that harms not only black people, but also other racial groups and society as a whole.
@vbjay105 said in #4:
> No one realized the super racist photo here?

@Ivbodm said in #6:
> photo in the blog is racist!!

Wait whoa whoa whoa how come you are making this about race? It's a funny picture, a great thumbnail, and the model's skin color is not at all a part of the image or its message. Anything offensive you're interpreting from the image, you're putting there yourself.

The fact that you could put any model of any skin color in the same thumbnail and it would mean the same thing is evidence that the race is irrelevant.
Im a bit offended cus of that picture
What do you mean by that? That black ppl are not calm and focused?
That’s what you should do when your duo dies in Fortnite.
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