
Skills on different chess timecontrols 3 0, 10 0, 15 5 and 20 10


1)How to play these different time controls?
2)Do you need different kind of skills to be good at on different time controls?

I think on 3 0 and 10 0 you can use more speculative attacks and pressure on time. Also it's better to go into type of positions you understand and you are familiar with.

There are some differences on 10 0 and 15 5. Lot of people start a game of 10 0 like a 5 0 blitz game: they save a lot of time. Mostly that is advisable. Also good blitzers often seem to play rather 10 0 than 15 5 because they can use same skills they have on blitz and get lot of wins. I think you need slightly cleaner approach for 15 5 than 10 0. You can't play that often overoptimistic attacks engine doesn't like. Also the advantage on time often doesn't help you if you have bad position on the game of 15 5. Most often it doesn't pay off if you have bad position with 12 mins and your opponent has 4 mins, because on many games increment helps your opponent.

On Fide rated rapid games I am not that good, but here Lichess I got rapid 2600. Blitz record is only around 2500.
Lichess rating for most people will be 300-500 points higher than FIDE rating. Do you find that matches with you?
Verified FM means FM BilliJoe has achieved 2300 Fide OTB @userfriendly2 ... I see a big difference in 5 min vs 3 min & wish we would have Lichess Titled 5 Minute Arena Tournaments ... Nice to Play IM's GM's more often @BillieJoe
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> So a 2600 on Lichess is not unusual then. It comes across like the OP seems to wonder why he has a 2600 on Lichess but not FIDE when this difference is actual normal.

Thanks for the comment. I got my title years ago and just now rapid record. However majority of FMs have rapid 2300-2500 here on Lichess so that 300-500 difference doesn't seem to apply that well.

Rating comparison from elo to Lichess rapid was just last sentence. I say this because I have a bad habit of writing long so people sometimes become bored and they don't read all text :D
@ThunderClap said in #3:
> Verified FM means FM BilliJoe has achieved 2300 Fide OTB @userfriendly2 ... I see a big difference in 5 min vs 3 min & wish we would have Lichess Titled 5 Minute Arena Tournaments ... Nice to Play IM's GM's more often @BillieJoe

Yes you are probably correct on difference of 3 0 and 5 0.
It seems that in 5 0 using time in early middle game is important as games tend to get biased before move 30. But 3 and 5 minute games also it seems that it is very bad if opponent gets more than 30 seconds extra time. Also against us weaklings 3 and 5 minute games silly sacs on f7 may well work. Not against people of your calibre but against me for sure
i think titled players can play 3+0 and 5+0 very very well,
But here on Lichess, when i play against normal players, i just learn quite nothing related to chess.
I get 6 exchange french in a row with black and what?
OK, I play more games than 10+0, but games have bad quality and creativity, it's just a waste of time for me.

Even in 10+0 i'm quite bad in my endgames against a player with a mouse
titled players play chess well.. im nowhere near a titled player... im slow at calculating, slow at moving the pieces... i think sometimes i just get lucky.. i do enjoy 5 min even though i lose on time a lot... anything under its an issue moving the pieces fast enough and not having enough time to find a decent move so i just play...

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