
500-600 points increase in lichess blitz rating over one year!

I don't care much whether am a patzer or not. Provided at the end of the day the lil' green arrow is pointing up! That's all. Even if it's a 3 figure rating points!! Congrats OP. Share your strategy in details please @MagicAce1988
I managed to improve some 400 points in blitz and I was almost able to hit 1700 in clasical in just short of a year.I learned a lot of openings , watched chess videos and studied Dortoievsky's endgame manual.Just this.
It took me about 7 years for the masters to graduate me to black belt instructor in my martial arts federation. training 3-5 days a week.

Im settings a similar goal for chess master. But who knows...
Its an accomplishment and something you should be proud of. However to keep things in perspective:

300 to 900 could be accomplished in an afternoon
700 to 1300 could be done in a couple of months
1400 to 2000 could take years and the vast majority won't accomplish in their lifetimes
2000 to 2600 could take years if not decades for even the most talented players
2600 to 3200 is impossible

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