
Why would you make a draw offer when you are about to lose???

I mean, seriously, these draw offers appearing everywhere when you are about to mate someone else, and when you misclick, you accidently draw. I mean, this made me so mad that I almost reported my opponent... :(
I have to agree with you. A person who asks for a draw when they're clearly losing is being a poor sport. It's a lesson that I teach my students, and most of them get it.

We generally encourage people to be good sports in chess, and I'd have to say that most of my experiences on Lichess have been very positive.

But misclicking a draw offer? Dude, you gotta be more careful.
How do you even misclick a draw offer? You can just ignore it. Also, the accept and decline options are on opposite sides.
I Don't know how you can misclick a draw offer. You may have seen that the accept and decline options are on the opposite sides. Be more careful. Good luck!
Offering draw is against my morality whether i am loosing,winning or position is dead draw
Offering a draw in a losing position is an intellectual insult of the highest type.
I remember a time where I got a stalemate where I thought I was truly about to lose,that was such a huge breath of air for me

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