
Petition to bring back 15 +15

Its interesting to see OP wants 15+15 back but when you look at his games he literally finishes the game with more time than he started with, so it doesn't make sense to me why he prefers 15+15 over 30 +20 and he just blitz out his moves. There is no diffrence.
Classical players want the old option 15+15 back. It was the only "classical" option for a very long time and a lot of classical players got used to it. Now we have to choose between rapid control or a game without increment. 15+10 is not enough for players like me that go under 1 minute around half of their games. 30+0 is without increment, which means that you can be flagged if you go to under 3 minutes. Last means that guys like me will play bad moves in critical positions during the whole game in order to have time for the endgame.
The ones that are good at every time control do not understand where is the difference, but for ones that are weak at blitz the replacement of 15+15 with 30+0 or 15+10 is significant change.

I understand why some players do not understand why we are complaining. The difference is mainly for the ones that are weaker at blitz than in classical time control. This change means that I have to learn to play blitz in order to continue playing classical chess.
Another point:
With 30:0 you'll feel tensed the whole game not to think too much to not drain your time - your whole mindset will be like in blitz, whereas with 15:15 you can take your time without too much pressure to make the best possible moves in the opening and the middlegame, so when you reach a good comfortable position in the endgame you can win it with the help of the increment.
When you get there - there is a noticeable difference between 10 and 15 increment. (Not to mention you'll get into the time trouble area quicker with 15:10)

30:0 is out of the question for me.
@koko64 @orior But this is why 30+20 is the one to go for. Everything you said is why I play 30+20 and I'm glad it's an automatic option now.
I agree with @butilikefur - I used to play the 15+15 option and would sometimes get into time trouble so I was delighted to see 30+20.

I use this option knowing that the game could last an hour, an hour and a half maybe. Usually its a higher quality game and I learn more from it.
You can also setup 15+15 games in the lobby. With the amount of players on this site, I doubt the wait time will be very long.
@orior We can't have it both ways. If 30 0 makes one tense the whole game and adding 20 seconds means it's too much, then what? There's no helping us.
For those saying that noone is likely to take out an hour to play a classical game: How long do they spend playing in arena tournaments, huh? 🤨

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