
Vote Chess Against Stockfish 8- Day 4

Now Today I will declare yesterday's Result:
Nbd2: First said by @CapsulatePluto (6 votes) Re1: First Said by @DhyranArvind (2 votes) Nc3: First Said by @david130210 (1 vote)
c3: First Said by @siddaarthnair220910 (2 votes) Bg3: First Said by @ChessMathNerd (1 vote) Ne5: First said by @jedi_vasik (1 vote) Nf6: First said by @Trixster_playz (1 vote)
So The winner is Nbd2 and I have given that and now Stockfish has given Nbd7.
The Game:
So tell the best moves in the comments.
c3, to create a new outlet for the queen, making it easier to connect rooks. Maybe ideas of Qc2 or Qb3. Not Qa4 on account of Nb6 with tempo.
Re1. I honestly like the reasoning provided by @ChessMathNerd for c3 better, but I feel like it is more the spirit of the game to vote for whatever I personally would play in a game! My reasoning for Re1 is just to take the file immediately and maybe look to move the knight on f3 at some point.

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