
sorry for disturbance

Okay I had a look at your forum posting history and you have slipped a few......choice words, shall we say?
There are kids on this site, and we try to keep it family-friendly here.

clearly says

Do not use swear words directed at players like “f*** you” and similar phrases, or general insults like “you are an idiot”, “looooser” or “noob”

Just tell the mods you've learned your lesson, and don't do it again.
@InactiveGamer I respect the fact that you're trying to help out here, but this is one of the few cases where I do not think starting over is acceptable. If the lichess moderation team refused to reinstate his chat priveliges and he simply makes a new account and ban evades, he is still in the wrong.
Perhaps there are details to which I am not privy that make this an extenuating circumstance (although I am not sure what details would even warrant this), but to anyone reading this who thinks that the OP pulled a slick move: do not follow in his footsteps. Multiaccounting and ban-evading are good ways to get IP banned. Being able to post in lichess forums for a few more days hardly seems worth losing access to the site altogether.
im not like that. im very respectful to my opponents and posters they have no proof.
that was after i was banned really, i just gave up so why care? if you click on it itll say page not found. it shows on my account but it doesnt appear on the forum

Even if you did do that after the ban then you are showing no signs of repentance.Moderators keep the ban on a user and unban them later thinking that they'd have changed their behaviour and will follow the chat etiquette.

So, first you evade their ban, then continue to violate the etiquette ? I'd suggest that you amend your ways and then after some time appeal to the moderators.
This type of behaviour that you're showing here,might be a reason that you won't get unbanned.
It goes without saying that mods are human, and sometimes their judgement isn't quite reasonable to the account that receives it.
I personally would've let you off with a stern warning for that once (if indeed that was your only offense).
However, as stated by a mod before, Lichess is not quite a government, and reserves the right to take action as it deems necessary to protect it's community. I believe (but can't confirm) that subtly implies it also has the right to ban any user that it doesn't want to allow on the site.
To prevent personal conflicts between mods and users affecting judgement, we have a team of mods, and also have appeals.
But if every mod has a problem with you.......then chances are, the problem IS you.
The decision of Lichess is final.
(Someone please correct me if I misunderstood anything)
okay, yes you are right.

i hope lichess responds to my appeal

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