
Ask Lichess Anything, October 11, 2021

Can we get 4 player chess and bughouse on lichess too?
Sorry if this is asking for too much.
Why not making Horsey the Official Lichess Logo? Why do we have to verify if we're human before posting a forum topic? Why hasn't (@)Lichess played any game yet?
Could the tournament be rescheduled becuase for Indians it because very late. Could you make it somewhere around 8.30pm IST?
@atharvaUsgaonkar said in #55:
> Could the tournament be rescheduled becuase for Indians it because very late. Could you make it somewhere around 8.30pm IST?
yeah thats true its midnight for us so i can't ask anything
@plsdontclosemyacc said in #56:
> yeah thats true its midnight for us so i can't ask anything
you are right but somewhere at the world there's always midnight and maybe india has just bad luck
hmm i know for this the stream must be of 24 hr it can combine of 3 or 4 mods to do it for 24 hr so all countries can access.

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