
Why does 2.Bg2 a ?! mark ?

Lichess Masters db : 2.Bg2 played about 18 million times. 2.Nf3 (Stockfish's choice) : played about 530 times.
My guess would be because black can play e5.
1g3 is not even slightly dubious only thing that you need to be willing to transpose to either the english or the reti system and against d5 you can do 2Nf3 to transpose too reti and against 1..e5 2c4 is best i think to stop d5 its not that 1g3 d5 2Bg2 is like bad but black get a bit more space it should be still not so much going on
Seeing it for first time?
Anyways, as per engine (SF 15), it can defeat you from that position!
One of the typical functions of Nf3/Nf6 is to discourage e5/e4.

For instance, 1.d4 Nf6 2.e4?? Nxe4.

In your example, the colors are merely reversed.
@MrPushwood said in #4:
> As usual, it's best to ignore engine quibblings in the early opening.

Yes, I guess this is the best advice.

Another example I've seen is the Benko Gambit 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5. Unsurprisingly the engine doesn't like Black's play. But it isn't 3...b5 that the engine thinks is "inaccurate". No, that move goes without comment. Stockfish takes exception to 2...c5.

So we should use it as a tool, not an oracle.

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