
How to get a girlfriend pt.1

I found that, not being nice worked for me. :).
The less interested you appear, the more interested they sometimes get, no one likes a needy approach.
Some people may say I'm talking a load of Horsey droppings here, but if one is too available, some Women dislike that. :).
Advice from a girl: I don't think there is a one-size-fits-all to all these questions. Everyone is different, but here are some general guidelines/dos and don'ts.

1) Any plan that involves trickery, such as being friends with someone just to get into their bed, is a clear no. If you find that you need to trick someone in order to get something you want, you should probably reconsider.

2) Don't neg people. I've heard negging described as purposely bringing someone down (I.e. "You should lose some weight!" "You would look prettier if you did xyz" "No one will date you as long as you abc"). The idea behind negging is that by constantly criticizing them, when you do give them a compliment it becomes very valuable to the girl. Eventually, if negging is done right, you would be able to lead the girl on a string.

Another "benefit" of negging is that you can weed out any self-secure girls that wouldn't listen to you because they are already confident with how they are currently.

But even if it pleases you to lead someone on a string, which let's be honest - wouldn't you want a deeper relationship than that? - it's definitely not good at all for your partner.

3) @Mrchess78 is definitely right - to a certain extent. If someone already has interest in you, their interest will only grow if you become more and more mysterious. On the other hand, if someone doesn't already have existing interest - they won't do anything with you. So in a sense, this is a good way to see who actually wants to be with you :) But I would not, under any circumstances, change yourself to "appear uninterested in everything" because you think you can nag a girl that way.

4) Building off #3, act natural and you'll have a natural love. For some people they can't even figure out when they first started really seeing that person in a more romantic way and less in a friendly way - that's how natural it can be :D

If you're always trying to be different, then you probably won't get anything.

5) Don't ever expect someone to change for you. Don't think "I can change them" - because you might be able to, but if you can't, that's going to be a heartbreak.

I'm not saying you can't help people or you can't be empathetic. I'm specifically talking about people that try to mold someone into someone "ideal" for them.

6) I trust that everyone here is reasonable enough I wouldn't need to say it, but I'm going to say it anyway.

You are NEVER, under any circumstances, entitled to someone. So whether that's the girl that sits in front of you in class or just the abstract idea of a girlfriend - having a relationship is not a right of yours. You are not entitled to someone, and vice versa.

No one is entitled to you. You do not need to push yourself to fit somebody's holes - they can fill them themselves. If you would like to help them, then that is certainly the most kind thing to do - but remember that just like you aren't entitled to someone they aren't entitled to you either.
@filthiesteote said in #1:
> you seems to like saying most basic and simple advice
how actually people get girlfriends
1. get into social circle (it doesn't matter what circle it is, you **MUST** get in)
2. get accepted into that social circle
3. **YOU HAVE TO** behave like social circle wants
4. congrats you're socially normal
5. get a gf, in that circle
@xDoubledragon said in #24:
> how actually people get girlfriends
> 1. get into social circle (it doesn't matter what circle it is, you **MUST** get in)
> 2. get accepted into that social circle
> 3. **YOU HAVE TO** behave like social circle wants
> 4. congrats you're socially normal
> 5. get a gf, in that circle

What if that gf doesn't want you?
@filthiesteote said in #1:
> 1. BE NICE - be nice to everyone, say hi to ppl u dont even know; have the aura of being open to new friends and ppl ( not js ppl you want to date) come to you
> 2. HYGIENE - A lot of ppl think this is obv but trust me, no one invests anything in it
> 3 DONT FORCE ANYTHING - Every girl does not want to be your gf
> 4 DONT STALK HER - self explanatory

Bro doesn't have a gf tho XD
Don't get a girlfriend.

Ask the father of the girl directly for marriage. And stop wasting your time with "flirting" or whatever is popularised online.

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