
How to get a girlfriend pt.1

@WassimBerbar said in #30:
> Don't get a girlfriend.
> Ask the father of the girl directly for marriage. And stop wasting your time with "flirting" or whatever is popularised online.

What if you don't know that girl? Or what if the girl and her mother really love you but the father hates you?
@greenteakitten said in #34:
> What if you don't know that girl? Or what if the girl and her mother really love you but the father hates you?
If a boy doesn't know that girl, why would he want to marry her?

When asking a father to marry his daughter, the boy should act politely and be extremely nice. It's very very unlikely the father hates the boy if the latter behaves correctly.
If the father doesn't want, it depends if it's for a good reason or not. It's a bit complicated and deep to explain in one post.
@WassimBerbar said in #35:
> If a boy doesn't know that girl, why would he want to marry her?

If a boy likes a pretty girl that sits in front of him in class, is that "knowing" someone?
My daughter is currently looking for a new boyfriend. Any takers?
@Sweatergirl said in #37:
> My daughter is currently looking for a new boyfriend. Any takers?
Wait, no offense but from your account title page I thought ya were a kid
@greenteakitten said in #36:
> If a boy likes a pretty girl that sits in front of him in class, is that "knowing" someone?
No. The ambiguity is about the word "knowing".

The boy interested asks his mother and sisters to ask the mother and sisters of the interested girl. Then the mother and sister of the boy interested give an overview of the girl interested (for example she has long brown hair, blue eyes, she is kind and gentle, she is generous and gives to the poor etc.). This is "knowing".
If the boy agrees with what he hears, he asks and proposes to the father of the girl marriage. The father organises a meeting with the boy interested, the girl interested, and the father of the girl interested in the middle. The boy and girl discuss. They agree. The father and mother organise the marriage contract. The boy gives the girl dowry, two male witnesses of the marriage and they happily live married.

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