
Danvers Opening

I had a passionate hatred for this opening when I was a beginner (after blundering to it several times), which motivated me to find multiple ways to counter it. Since it's mostly played by novices, they usually won't expect the following counter, which allows you to trap and take their Queen:

1. e4 e5
2. Qh5 d6
3. Bc4 Na3
4. d3 Bg4

(After playing Bg4, there is often a long pause as your opponent realizes that his queen is now pinned.)

The most common response is Bxf7, followed by a frustrating Kd7. White may also play Bg5, which Black may simply respond with Be7. And a desperate Qg5 is easily countered with Be7. After any of these moves, White must accept the loss of their Queen.

Unfortunately, there are counters to Black's trap:

4. h3 prevents Black from playing Bg4 and thus nullifies the pin, leaving Black's Na3 awkwardly developed.
5. Bg4 forces you to trade bishops, followed by queens if White continues with 6. Qg4.

Given this opening's notoriety, most intermediate- or higher-rated players know how to counter it effectively, so it's rarely played at those levels. Like #11 mentioned, I only encounter it against anonymous players.
*Edit (no edit function for posts?)

5. Qg5 forces you to trade bishops, followed by queens if White continues with Qg5.

I don't understand "3. ... Na3".

Do you mean "3. ... Nh6"?

All other possible knight moves blunder the position:
- 3. ... Ne7, 4. Bf7+ with good attacking chances
- all other knight moves: 4. Qf7#
This opening is popular among beginners for the obvious chance of mating your opponent in 3 moves.

The more important question, I think, should be whether this opening is valid in the grand scheme of reaching a draw, or is this opening doomed to fail. If played without mistakes, it is my understanding that this opening is considered valid, but perhaps a GM could post a comment to clarify this.

Here's how I usually reply to this opening.
1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Qe7 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Qe2 Nc6
I still think e3 e6 h6 a6 na3 is pretty good for white. One of my favored lines. Just kidding now./
@#23 -- Yes, I meant Nh3. I was having a bout of coordinate dyslexia, apparently. :)

(Still wishing there was an edit function for posts.)

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