
Touch-Move at the World Cup

The touch-move rule is a noble tradition in chess.

Now, just a random thought, not related to this particular incident and the players in the video:

Why do chess players apply a super-strict "no touch without consent" rule to wodden pieces, but many top players apparently applied less strict rules when it comes to touching women?
On what evidence the arbiter acted? Did Nihail confess touching without saying? If two player are in disagreement what happened arbiter is not in position to do much.

To me that did not look like adjusting but clear grip to move. So maybe that was the video evidence?
Actually it is important that the arbiter takes notice. So your opponent is just a „medium“.
A really interesting moment and a good educational measure for this little Indian!

But if I see it correctly, there was no additional sanction from the referee, because he only reset the 30-second increment on the clock.
there is no additional sanction for touch move violation. Other than move with correct piece must be made and obviously a warning. Repeated violations would then bring sanctions.
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