
Have you ever woken up at night with the sensation of falling?

Oh no.
Was the lamp ok,lol. :)

Back in my skydiving days I dreamt of falling many times
It wasn't at all frightening.
@KNIGHT_c4 said in #15:
> I woke up with the sensation of falling in love.
So, you were that friend lol, I was wondering WHO was that person who called me that night, claiming to be my friend lol XD......
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@Rainbow_Pink_Lover said in #3:
> I dont sleepwalk but the sensation of falling is so common for me. I just suddenly feel like i am falling but my wake to see that I am only on my bed.

ikr like i feel like im about to fall off a cliff, i wake up, WOW im just on my bed, not even on a cliff.
It was like I was falling in real life and i shouted and my mother was like what?? And I said nothing I was just falling..
Mine would be the I could jump like 50-100 feet in the air, and sort of descend slowly and land safely and then take off again.

^^ haha made my smile.
"Nothing Ma I'm just falling..."
yes, it's a so called 'archetype', human impressions, thoughts, notions, fears, instincts deep inside resulting from our evolution or simply vulnerability and of being an organism striving for survival & making a life

being paralyzed but wake, ... being attacked by ferocious animal, fear of spiders, reptiles, cats lol, being all alone on a vast plane, ... nightmares or wishful dreaming and thoughts that many humans share
I don't know about the feeling of falling, but i once dreamt of eating a giant marshmallow!
I woke to find i was missing a pillow!
@Rankrotten said in #38:
> I don't know about the feeling of falling, but i once dreamt of eating a giant marshmallow!
> I woke to find i was missing a pillow!
So you ate a PILLOW? Looks like a marshmallow alright!

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