
Hans Neimann cheating scandal

My personal opinion on this: Hans has had a history of cheating online (i.e. @HansMoke) and maybe he wasn’t punished enough for that, but until Magnus gives proof he has cheated OTB he should be innocent. If Magnus has proof, he should give it immediately. If he doesn’t, this is a bit too much against Hans and Magnus should apologize.
as well as the written rules, there are many unwritten rules, traditions and etiquette that everyone playing in rated tournaments are expected by their peers to follow.

magnus broke those unwritten rules. from what i've heard, being suspicious of someone cheating against you isn't an acceptable excuse for the unwritten rules magnus broke. it doesn't matter if magnus has proof or not. if tomorrow magnus laid out concrete evidence and fide stripped hans of his titles, what magnus did was still wrong.
@h2b2 said in #3:
> as well as the written rules, there are many unwritten rules, traditions and etiquette that everyone playing in rated tournaments are expected by their peers to follow.
> magnus broke those unwritten rules. from what i've heard, being suspicious of someone cheating against you isn't an acceptable excuse for the unwritten rules magnus broke. it doesn't matter if magnus has proof or not. if tomorrow magnus laid out concrete evidence and fide stripped hans of his titles, what magnus did was still wrong.

And the unwritten rules remain unwritten, for the previous poster has declined to state what rules Mr Carlsen has broken.
Meanwhile we must give the confessed chess cheat the benefit of the doubt, and pillory the breaker of unspecified and ever to be unwritten rules.

Sounds legit.
one of the unwritten rules magnus broke is you don't drop out of a round robin. other types of tournaments are fine to drop out off, but you don't drop out of a round robin.

edit: I should add, regardless of the tournament format. people want to watch the super GMs and especially the number one chess player in the world play. So when the number one agrees to play in a tournament, sponsors are expecting x number of people to watch and they can do the maths and work out what the cost/benefit ratio is. When the number one drops out after 3 games, everyone loses out, other players and spectators, and the sponsors lose money.

> for the previous poster has declined to state what rules Mr Carlsen has broken.

there you go

> Meanwhile we must give the confessed chess cheat the benefit of the doubt

you poor victim. that sounds terrible that people are forcing you to do stuff. that's never happened to me on a forum before. I've always had freedom to think and express myself within the tos. I can't imagine how traumatic this must be for you.
Hans is at best a real life 2200 OTB. What he's gained since then is all through cheating. He's cheated and been banned on multiple chess websites now, and ofc they don't catch you from one game, he has done this in many games, including tournaments for money, and now he's all of a sudden, a legit honest player when playing Magnus for prestige and prize money? We can't judge him for his past? His past was only 2 years ago. Not exactly "the past". Still current. I would give him benefit of the doubt if he had not cheated in 10 years. Not to mention his SUS after game interview, and his near perfect game against Magnus in Sinquefield Cup. In the book The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene a passage in there states that when a person has done something in the past, they will most definitely do it again. While I believe some people can change their actions, they can't change who they are. Chess is supposed to be a game of logic, but many here are not using it.
@h2b2 said in #3:
> as well as the written rules, there are many unwritten rules, traditions and etiquette that everyone playing in rated tournaments are expected by their peers to follow.

What rubbish.
Care to share all these mysterious unwritten rules in chess, or are they only rules when you need to reinforce your point on an internet forum?
here you go champ, knock yourself out please feel free to contact the writers of the 27,600,000 pages to tell them they wrote rubbish.

btw, it is an unwritten rule to say "what rubbish" to your opponent in a chess tournament. it also breaks some written rules.

in general, if you agree to attend an event and the expectation is you'll be there for the whole event, leaving early with no explanation is rude. It doesn't matter if it's urmoms tea party or an official limited invite only chess tournament, steeped in history, tradition and meaning for many people, with sponsors. The expectation is if you accept your invitation, you'll turn up and play your best for the full tournament.
Thanks champ for going to the effort to do a google search for me. Don't be offended if I give no more than a cursory glance to the hits on the first page without clicking on any. Now how about these unwritten ones you were talking about?
I'll stick to tournament regulations instead of unwritten rules and sweeping "in general" statements.

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