
Need help on how to win an endgame with pawn and bishop?

It's not simple in my opinion.

Black wants to create a passed pawn on the queenside which would decoy White's pieces so that Black can then play ...Bxe4 and take on f5 and g6 as well, but it needs to be subtle. The immediate 1...c4?! allows 2.b4 and it's hard to see how Black can win.

So if I was Black I would bide my time for a bit, maybe play ...Bb7 and ...Ba6 intending ...a4 at the right moment, see how things go.

I may well be completely wrong. How would other people try to win this?
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Not the best solution, but driving the Bishop to a6 and then advancing the pawn to c4 is to me easier to understand and still a winning move. Not that difficult, as Black has 3 vs 2 in the Queen side.

Notice that Black Bishop and King are threatening the center White pawn chain at its base, but Black chain is virtually unbreakable, so the material balance of 5 pawns is not really working for White.
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