
International Criminal Court Arrest Warrants of Israeli and Hamas leaders

@bfchessguy Just because you live in a utopian world or believe one exists, illegal immigrants are costing our country billions of £.

Costing us, the tax paying public billions of £. Crime is rife. Young girls and women are seen as easy targets. If you think that it’s ok to accost schoolgirls, you’re one sick MF!

You want illegals, you put them up in your house at your expense! Thought not.

All of these people have entered this country illegally! We can’t get doctors appointments or dentists while they’re having all the services we have spent our lives paying for, laid on at the drop of a hat.

You know fuck all about the problems faced by ordinary people dealing with this shit every day, so why don’t you STFU and stick your sanctimonious comments where the sun doesn’t shine.

And before you get on your moral high horse, I’m from an immigrant background but my parents worked their arses off and contributed to the good of this country, which is more than the vast majority of these illegals will ever do.

We voted for Brexit to get back the sovereignty of our country but thanks to those who’ve sought for eight years to overturn a democratic vote, and who continue to do so to this day, they do their best to make it fail.

So once again. People like you piss me right off.
@HiramHolliday said in #63:
> We never voted for Brexit.

Never Implied you did. Just stated the fact that UK voted for it and it has consequences for Scotland.

Are you denying it is a more important issue than immigrants and tourists?

@BorisOspasky said in #64:
> @bfchessguy
> And before you get on your moral high horse, I’m from an immigrant background but my parents worked their arses off and contributed to the good of this country, which is more than the vast majority of these illegals will ever do.

Pretending I'm not defending immigrants now
The worst abuser of the System were born with pure blood. Besides the only motivation the seem to have is for making plans for fraud. Unlike most so-called illegal immigrants.

> We voted for Brexit to get back the sovereignty of our country but thanks to those who’ve sought for eight years to overturn a democratic vote, and who continue to do so to this day, they do their best to make it fail.

Ask your pal Hiram if that's a good thing you voted for Brexit?

> So once again. People like you piss me right off.

You took it pretty personally. Why is it triggering you so much? ;-)
Sure UK has been so friendly with France lately that they'll spend lotta money to keep immigrants on their land. Do you want them to pay for building The Wall around UK? ;-P
@Al-Ghoul , you write:

----> Wasreal (sic) warns citizens to leave a place but doesn't give them a "where to leave"

If you are told that a particular block is going to be shelled, where you have to go is "away" from that block. That's self-evident. Where away you go is up to you. Much like people have to leave flooded areas. It's a warning to save yourself. How much warning were the Jewish women and children at the music festival given? The answer, I believe, is "none."

You also write:

Wasreal (sic) tells Palestinians about safe areas, but bombs them as soon as they arrive there.

Please provide a reputable source for this belief of yours. I mean a source from an internationally respected news outlet. Not something in a flyer distributed on some campus or some other piece of propaganda. I have seen nothing whatsoever, other than your claim, that Israel deliberately directed civilians to a killing ground so they could deliberately kill them THERE, in particular, instead of where they already were.

Indeed, what would be the point of that? If they actually wanted to kill those same civilians, they'd just give them NO warning and shell them where they already were. Please tell me why that's incorrect, not just change the subject.

I really want to know the truth and would never support the deliberate killing of civilians on either side. but so far, I know of nothing dependable to substantiate your belief, and it doesn't really make sense to me.

Accidents do happen in wars. Indeed, "friendly fire" is a real phenomenon, when troops accidentally shoot either their own comrades or allies. Such accidents happen but are NOT deliberate. That's what "accident" means. And there have certainly been some accidental casualties in this war, too. And they are horrible and nobody but a jerk would be happy about them. Indeed, nobody should be happy about ANY casualties. Wars are horrid and I wish people would STOP STARTING THEM.

I HATE this war, as any sane person would. But do you realize it's not just Israel who is continuing it. All hostages could be returned unconditionally, for example. Leadership could change. This COULD stop, and I wish it would. All the civilians on BOTH sides deserve better than this.

War sucks. And this war didn't have to happen, regardless of excuse-making rhetoric or "laugh" emojis bestowed in place of an actual argument.

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