

We can see when we click on your profile ‘this account has violated the lichess terms of condition’
Guys the op’s just written an appeal to lichess (as he says in dm)Lets just wait and see what the mods say before making a judgement.
I am not a Lichess moderator.

The situation has been resolved because a cheater's account has been banned from playing rated games on Lichess and the user's secondary accounts have been closed. That is resolution.

Anyway, no need to discuss it further. Maybe you should go relax and play some chess or something? Enjoy.
I have 3 accounts in total this is
Galyamov which was closed for cheating
qwerymeow which was just closed after a couple of games
and the debdyra account that was closed immediately after creation.
PLEASE replace qwerymeow and debdyra were not banned, unlike Galyamov
the man has plenty of humor, so toxic. and in fact no one
@Galyamov im slightly confused. Did you close your other two accounts yourself or did lichess ban them after your main account was flagged.

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