
Do you prefer stronger, weaker or balanced opponents?

@pionGris said in #1:
> I've read a few times that the best way to improve your skills in chess is playing against opponents who are slightly better than you are. On the other hand, losing too often can lead to frustration and demotivation.
> What kind of opponents do you prefer to play against?
I prefer to play opponents around my rating level because you don't lose too much, or win too much (balanced.) Playing against opponents around your rating level (I think) will increase your playing strength. As playing weaker opponents, won't really help you get anywhere. Stronger opponents will sometimes crush you in like 20 moves. Opponents your level will make the game more interesting with my chances too win from both sides.
Yes, my game opponents rating range is set at +/- 100.
I prefer opponents who play the fool’s mate every time

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