
Keyboard cheating?

@IndianDoraemon said in #5:
> @plsdontclosemyacc nothing is wrong with kb. Everybody can download it. It is not like that only a few groups of players can download it. It is not a bad sportmanship.
> But as far as I know, multiple premoves were earlier available, but now it is unavailable.
Not everyone can download it.
It’s litteraly modding, or as people call it, hacking because it implements a feature lichess dose not have (multi-premove) into the game. It’s like if I modded a piece that could move like every single one and all my pieces were replaced by them.
Also if you ask a random player that dosent use forums about KB, they probaly won’t know what it is.
I still don’t get why people can’t just not use KB, because it gives a advantage, as all modded features do, or at least not use KB against people who don’t want to play cheaters.

You just answered your own question; People use KB because it gives an advantage.
Using an external program that allows multiple premoves on a site that doesn't allow multiple premoves by default, it's cheating. Simple as that.

Something is only cheating if it is against the rules - and since KB is not against the rules, it is not cheating.

We could argue about whether KB is *Fair* or not, but what we cannot argue about is whether KB is Cheating or not, because it is not.

Well, since the definition of cheating is "having an unfair advantage" and this is clearly an unfair advantage, it SHOULD be considered cheating.

I find funny that lichess disabled multiple premoves on purpose and then allows these programs.. To me it doesn't make any sense.

They should at least allow infinite premoves by default like does, or ban the usage of this external help, it's either one of these two, because otherwise it's simply a ridiculous contradiction.

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