
OP Method of earning Rating

Thats not a flaw its a feature. Rating is just a measure of how likely you are to beat someone. I get 0-1 rating points by beating a couple 1500s, and lose something like 12 or more by losing. Thats because I am expected to win something like 10-0 against them and only lose the rare game on time or something.
Why bother farming rating? The moment you go back to playing normal opponents, your rating will drastically drop until it reaches your actual rating anyways. Unless your goal is to get a high number and then immediately quit playing chess.
OP method would be getting better with the game and then your rating would develop likewise 5head lol
You remember what you mentioned about overthinking? Well, it turns out that the score for your thinking test is negative.
Learn the definition of harassment before accusing someone of such a vile action, it turns you also don't know how to use Google properly.

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