
Why is this a draw?

My solo king was circling opp. bishop with his queen on my heels. No 3 repetitive moves. I'm just curious
I think it happened 3 times, the first one on move 41, the second one on move 45, and finally on move 49
I can see that. So that 3 repetitive moves rules does also apply with other moves in between? Do I get that right?
According to NEW FIDE rules, three fold repetition is not necessarily the repetition of moves, the game can be declared draw even if the same POSITION has been repeated three times. The old rule is not abolished though.........
@DrZwischenzug what on Earth are you talking about? Can you provide reference to such old rule?

@P4wnQ it is not about moves. If the same position occurs three times during the game, it is a draw.
Move, position, words and definitions.
I have got my answer, thank you all.
FIDE Laws of Chess:
9.2.1 The game is drawn, upon a correct claim by a player having the move, when the same position for at least the third time (not necessarily by a repetition of moves): is about to appear, if he first writes his move, which cannot be changed, on his scoresheet and declares to the arbiter his intention to make this move, or has just appeared, and the player claiming the draw has the move.
Positions are considered the same if and only if the same player has the move, pieces of the same kind and colour occupy the same squares and the possible moves of all the pieces of both players are the same. Thus positions are not the same if: at the start of the sequence a pawn could have been captured en passant a king had castling rights with a rook that has not been moved, but forfeited these after moving. The castling rights are lost only after the king or rook is moved.
Your game was a draw cos the same position occurred thrice i.e. his king was on b3, ur queen was on b2 and ur bishop was on c3. However rules say that "the game is not automatically drawn if a position occurs for the third time - one of the players on their turn, must claim the draw on their turn". So your opponent had claimed draw.

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