
What is your policy on takebacks?

I generally never propose takebacks because even if I make a mistake and misclick, I feel like that's the lesson I should learn. However, I often feel a pang of guilt and accept other people's takebacks and I decided to try and stop myself.

I was thinking of posting this to ask you all what the done thing is, and coincidentally I played a game in which my opponent asked for a takeback and I accepted but then when I slipped on my next move I decided well I may as well ask for one in return so we're square... But they declined it!!!

Anyway I don't really know why it's even legal but I think after that I'm banning it from my games entirely. What do you think?
Do not grant, do not ask for. Switch it off in your profile.
People can grant themselves infinite takebacks by switching on move confirmation in their profile.
They are handy. Specially when your opponent proposes one after making a blunder you hadn't noticed before you have moved, alerting you to look more closely at their last move and spot the blunder.
@tpr thanks. I won't play it since I like bullet and UltraBullet but if I have to play a classical it's good to know that option exists.
It depends on. If maybe somebody can recapture my queen on d7 and moves Rd6 i offer takeback myself (we don't talk about bullet). But if someone overlooked something then we talk about normal Chess. Some of your moves are bad, some reaalx stupid. No need to complain About. Errors are part oft the game.

I accept takebacks in casual games.Sometimes i accept in rated games as well,if i see it was an obvious mouse slip :)
I've completely disabled takebacks, which prevents all discussion on the matter: I can't grant them, even if my opponent manages to convince I should.

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