
Put my knowledge in the game


I feel that I am not able to put my knowledge when I play a classic game.

For example, I tend to solve strategic and tactical exercises well. But I feel that in the game that level drops a lot.

I have also studied the strategic aspect a lot and I think I have a lot of knowledge that I never put into practice when I play.

Happens to you?

I would like you to give me some advice.

Thank you.
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It's good to know that I'm not alone in this :)
Read My System by Nimzowitsch and take longer between moves.
"I think I have a lot of knowledge that I never put into practice when I play."

Have no idea what that means. Do you? :)
mrpushwood i think he does a lot of practice but never uses his tactics in his games
You should be able to unconciously recognise similar tactics based on the positions you have practised with in puzzles; for example seeing knight forks, backrank checkmates, etc. The more you practise the more these patterns stick in your brain, and you'll be able to recognise them when they happen in your games.
If you mean that you have lots of strategic ideas, principles and guidelines you just don't think of during your games, the only thing I can say is that you make the effort of conciously reminding yourself every move what those ideas are. Play a rapid or classical game and force yourself to think of these things every move; it can be so easy to think you've got a move and play it before you've actually considered what you should consider. My suggestion is to just start a game challenging yourself to do it, and constantly think about whatever it is again and again and again, with as little distractions as possible, so they don't fly out of your mind.
Hope this helps! If this isn't what you were asking, please correct me :)
Puzzles helped me out alot, I did a stupid amount of them, and I suggest you do to, alongside playing alot more games. I see you only have 200+ games under your belt as of now.

So yeah, tactics and games @jokers345
"Chess is 99% tactics" ~ Richard Teichmann
So, you only need to play thematic puzzles from puzzle section and see your weaknesses from puzzle dashboard. Play puzzles and games on a regular basis. And don't play short games like Blitz that can affect your classical skills. Analyse master level games from Lichess database. That all would suffice.

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