
Any female who plays chess?

Hey there handsome -

My did you get those strong muscles pushing pawns all day?

I just need a tough man to open my C file so that I can have a bit of freedom in my life
@CadyRocks said in #7:
> Not meaning to put too fine a point on it, but the other day I had someone try to explain to me that women are inherently more emotional than men, and often less capable on account of their periods.
In response to the first point, there are a lot of scientific studies on this. Some have come to the conclusion that women experience emotions more intensely but others have remained inconclusive. I don't have the time to fully research this. Regarding the second point, it may be valid, but there's also things that make *men* less capable. While men are usually physically stronger, they are generally less tolerant of starvation and tend to experience pain more intensely. This is probably related to the evolutionary roles of the two most commonly occuring genders. (All of these are general statements and do not apply directly to individuals.)
> I've been hit on in games on the basis of my profile picture and stated gender, and... this is definitely not the place or time for that.
I've had things like that too. When will the creeps realize all it does is get them blocked?
> Why are you asking? Commiseration?
Funny, but sad.

@aVague said in #13:
> How do You look like, I guess, Mens are usually Create such treads to meet someone, I know that by Myself (Not really.)
Also, weird capitalization.

@benjialextie said in #21:
> Send nudes.......
I can't decide if this is supposed to explain what @aVague meant in #4, sarcasm, or genuine creepiness.

I am very disappointed in the use of the word "female" as well in the title of the thread; it's rather creepy to use outside of biology. (The same is true of "male" but the usage of biological terms is skewed towards women.) After all, our gender expression is clearly more important socially compared with our biological sex. "Female" is also used by trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs).
Here's a whole website dedicated to this:

Oh, and by the way, there's a whole subreddit, r/menandfemales, dedicated to posting instances of people using the word "female".
Y'all on some different sht up in here
@Random_Noob_787 said in #30:
> Look guys you need to stop assuming things he probably just wants a friend

Which is why he's specifically asking for a female.

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