
Any female who plays chess?

@CadyRocks said in #7:
> I know there's a few women (that is the word you are looking for, *women*, not "female"; female makes you sound like a Ferengi or an incel) on here, but I can also imagine that there aren't particularly many, because the chess world in general and the Lichess forums specifically are full of noxious misogynists.

Well yes, this ^^^

>Women don't tend to congregate in spaces where they have to deal with that kind of thing. Not meaning to put too fine a point on it, but the other day I had someone try to explain to me that women are inherently more emotional than men, and often less capable on account of their periods. I've been hit on in games on the basis of my profile picture and stated gender, and... this is definitely not the place or time for that.

Yeah, that thread was especially... (I'm not sure I can find the right words for it?) ignorant, perhaps? Sexist? Definitely! Yes, not the place ot time for it. Lichess is not Tinder, I imagine you were here to play chess and not look for a boyfriend?

> Why are you asking? Commiseration?

This kind of question can be a little triggering to some especially if the context is not clear, or in an arena chat where the context is perhaps...all too clear! Context from the OP @JOLENEisJoyous in the title would have been helpful to avoid misunderstandings, thanks for clarifying though xx

If you are looking for female friends, well, there are a few women here as you can see. And mostly we are friendly but also a little wary, given some of the things a lot of us have encountered!
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@greenteakitten said in #8:
> Picture of what?
How do You look like, I guess, Mens are usually Create such treads to meet someone, I know that by Myself
@aVague said in #13:
> How do You look like, I guess, Mens are usually Create such treads to meet someone, I know that by Myself

I look like a kitten, with green tea leaves on her head! ;)
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