
Are these goals achievable?

@ThunderClap said in #12:
> I see no mention of Chess Study
hi, I’m not sure what you mean by your comment, do you want me to elaborate how I plan on studying chess/what I am doing?
Wow dude, 2000 above national rating and 1900 FIDE are pretty strong. I believe you can be 2600 rapid but not 3 months. I myself was a lichees 2200 rapid just like you.
As usual with these kinds of things...if you're gonna do it (or try to do it), get to it! But don't just sit around in some chat room jawing about whether you should do it (or can)--as if somebody you've never met knows the answer better than you do. Talk about wasted energy.

Supposing that, say, John Steinbeck had gone around to random people and said: "I've been thinking about writing a novel about a bunch of think that I should?"
Update: I suffered from some tilt but am now sitting at 2228 after a string of wins. I find myself losing due to 1 move blunders because I'm not focusing as hard as I could be. My goal is to be at 2250 by the end of tomorrow (Friday) and then 2300 by the end of the weekend. This feels a bit ambitious but I believe I can manage it with focus and not playing games when I don't feel like devoting full energy to it.
I think like 150 is doable, but you have to give it like 5+ hours a day for a couple months.
I mean you seem to have no fear of failure which is good in a sense

Raising 300 points is a lot

Removing distractions and focusing could raise 100 tops considering what your listed as the distractions

Add in study time and it’s technically feasible

I would recommend you list skill goals along the way rather than just a number goal

For example challenge yourself to complete a difficult tactics book or master a certain theoretical endgame

In chess there are to improvements to make

Knowledge and execution

If you have a time trouble or focus problem then it just takes vigilance to improve those

That can only get you so far but it’s a good place to start
Yes they are achievable with daily practise. I seen some streamer achieve a certain rating of 2600 but I forgot who it is. His puzzle battle is 41 in 3 min which is a lot faster than mine.