
Games won with lost queen (not a sacrifice)

Hi there,

Some people resign when they lose a pawn, I tend to keep playing even if I lose a queen, as long as I still have enough pieces to attack. I used to be quite good a blundering major pieces, and so on a few occasions I blundered a queen and ended up winning the game anyway, which I always found satisfying. Needless to say, we're not talking about very serious chess here... Here's one I found:

If you've had such games as well, it'd be nice to see them!
It doesn't really fit the bill I'm afraid since they took the blundered queen with their queen instead of taking it with the knight. So you did potentially blunder your queen but were saved by White's blunder. Had they taken with the knight I'm not sure you would have won!
Whenever you win without queen this just means you are playing with a weaker opponent. So you either abusing rating system, or the rating system is flawed.
And in your case this is probably the first, because difference in rating is 150 points. You probably search weaker opponents on purpose.
I have no idea why you suggest I search weaker opponents. Right now my filter when creating a game is such that we couldn't be paired because you are below my lower bound. In fact I don't recall ever setting an upper bound to the filter. Empty speculation forcing people to tell you you're wrong, kind of boring.

It's rare and of course it's more likely when the opponent is weaker. But it happened to me several times. Likewise winning by mate in 9 moves against someone rated 1800 is rare as well but it can happen:

I do same on a regular basis with my white bishop when playing white, but it's actually a relatively good move. Your opening, less so :)

Lots of bullet flagging (rather than getting a better position), but it's a great challenge anyway! And at least in this one you get a non-flag win:

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