
I’m continuously going down in my game i’m not improving please guide this lost soul

My performance in chess is degrading...i’m a raw player pls guide
Try solving 10-20 Puzzles Everyday.
Play Rapid , Classical Games .
Watch Videos on YouTube..Chess Network's "Beginner to chess master" Playlist Helped me From 1750-1950 Rating (Rapid) .
Hope This Helped You .
There can be many reasons why your performance is degrading. Here are my tips:
- Have you been more tired recently? If your sleep got worse recently, or you just can't properly focus on a game, it might be a reason why your rating is going downhill. Get some rest, take a break for a while or just get some fresh air outside once in a while.
- Do you feel like you don't know what to do during the game? Let's say that you have a tough middlegame position and every move you think of is a losing one? Analyse that position later with an engine or even better - with a coach.
- Yeah, coach. If you have some money to spend on your passion, maybe try to get a coach once in a while. Contrary to YouTube videos or online chess courses, he will focus on you.
- If you don't have money for coaches, watch some videos about chess. It can be teaching about some chess stuff, or analysing someone elses game (this is also helpful). I personally like Chess-Network and Marianczello (this one is in polish so it might be a problem).
- Solve puzzles. Contrary to videos, in puzzles you are the one in control, so it's your decision, which move will you play. This can improve your board vision.
- Did your studies or school started and now you feel like you got worse in chess? Maybe that's a reason, because during vacations you could focus solely on chess and had much more time to rest?
- Sometimes it just happens that we are worse or better, everyone has their better and worse days. That's what makes us human. I recommend not worrying about your performance, you are still a wonderful human being and nothing will change that ;>
@NovaFireFox said in #1:
> My performance in chess is degrading...i’m a raw player pls guide

You need patience to improve, and you will need to do a lot of losing along the way as you improve at chess. It can be difficult not to let losses affect your mood, but you should strive to be pretty evenly tempered win or lose. Basically if you win, don’t think that you’re all of a sudden a prodigy. And if you lose, don’t think that you are all of a sudden hopeless. And keep in mind that chess improvement can take years. But if you stick with it, you’ll undoubtedly get better.
@NovaFireFox said in #1:
> My performance in chess is degrading...i’m a raw player pls guide

And stop playing blitz if you want to improve at chess! Chess requires thought. Play rapid or classical.
My tips to you which I follow and which is helping me grow, these are slow but very effective :
1. Solve a puzzle and try to convert the position against max level computer. This will help you in converting winning positions + increase your skill in pattern recognition.

2. Analyse the games you play, don’t just click on analysis button and say you have analysed, check your moves; check where you have gone wrong what was the best move in that position and understand the idea of the move.

3. Play a lot of games in the time control you are comfortable in. How to find the perfect time control for you? Well, try playing games in every control and if you make blunders avoid that time control (Recommending beginners to play time control with increment). I believe that quality of the game > the number of games you played in that time. Example : if you play 10 bullet games in a time of 1 rapid game I doesn’t improve your chess because most of the moves are mistakes. Chess is a game where you need to think it's useless if you do not think.

4. Calculate every single move you make. Every move you make should have an idea. IMPORTANTLY : Don’t pre-move and blitz out your moves without calculating your moves.

5. Watch a lot of games of strong chess players and absorb the way they play.

6. Learn chess openings, traps etc. Recommend London System for white and Caro - Kann and Pirc for black if you are a beginner

7. Learn positional chess rules and implement them in your games. Example : Imbalances like doubled pawns, double bishops etc.

That’s all I think would improve the way you play and approach the game!
And sometimes (believe it or not) progress is not a straight line. Sometimes there are dips and valleys (and even U-turns). You just have to keep going on with it.

Consider this: after my first year of playing in OTB tourneys, my USCF rating was 1620. An entire year later--after lots more games and study and so forth--it stood at 1634. But then, I was a 1700 player for around 3 weeks. :) Improvement is not a steady flow; it leaps and bounds (and zigzags).
@MrPushwood said in #8:
> And sometimes (believe it or not) progress is not a straight line. Sometimes there are dips and valleys (and even U-turns). You just have to keep going on with it.
> Consider this: after my first year of playing in OTB tourneys, my USCF rating was 1620. An entire year later--after lots more games and study and so forth--it stood at 1634. But then, I was a 1700 player for around 3 weeks. :) Improvement is not a steady flow; it leaps and bounds (and zigzags).

You gained 14 points. Not too shabby for a year worth of effort. ;)
Use the engine. At your level there are missed wins all over the place that you are missing in your games.

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