
What are your favorite time controls?

Me perosnally I usually play 10+0 or 15+10 since they are quick but let me think about tactics and stuff like that. I've never been a fan of bullet or blitz since I always found it too fast, although I might be willing to try 5+0 sometime.
I fondly remember the old international standard , 40 moves in 2 hours, 20 per hour after. And working on adjourned endgames.

That's too much like work for me now. I'm happy enough with 30 in 90, SD+30, plus a small increment. Or whatever slow chess is nowadays.
I play rapid bullet and blitz

I like 1+0 10+0 15+10 3+0 5+3

Classical takes way too long and ultrabullet is a joke

1/2+0 is way too fast for me

my mains for each are

1+0 5+3 and 10+0
The standard time control of 90+30 for 40 moves and 30+30 after that is great (I already managed to flag even there, though), 90+30 is also fine. Online I play from 30+20 up but 45+45 or 60+30 is better. Sometimes I also try a 15+10 rapid but that's a very different experience.
I'm too stupid, concenttration issues... and blunder a lot, 15+0 is good for me to have some thinking time. And then still gift the Queen...
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I also prefer playing with increment. Apart from the most important aspect that it (partially) prevents players from aimlessly pushing pieces in hopelessly drawish endgames hoping to win by time, it also feels much safer to know that however low you get, you still have certain time for each move. That's why I would prefer e.g. 90+30 over 120+0, even if most of my games have less than 60 moves so that 120+0 would technically give me more time. And for the same reason I would prefer e.g. 40/90+30 over 40/120, even if the latter would always provide more time.
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I rather see the preference of increment or no increment as reflecting whether you see the time control as part of the game and its strategy or as "necessary evil". For me it's definitely the latter.

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