
What The Fck Happened To My Rating Changes?

In bullet my rating used to go +10 or -10 against someone my same rating. Now it goes up 8 for losing to someone higher rated!?

I would've expected 11 or 12 points based on the previous ratings I was getting.

What happened?
You got rating for losing? Hol up fix that
It's a bug right now chill
Exactly many other people have it happening as well. Read other posts, probs a bug right now
Yeah I did. And It had to happen right after I dropped 50 points.
But itll take time.

And my goal was to be 2100 when school starts. Starts tommorow :(
I am 1925 , just beat a 2278 . I got 12 lousy points ?? This new system is ridiculous . No use in playing if you can't gain points !!

Come on guys, this is the new system which is more accurate! You all will get used to it.

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