
Good chess player

Shake hands before & after match.
Has clean appearance.
Play until checkmate, only resign or offer draw when situation is clear.
Never cheat.
Rarely goes to toilet.

Don't fart or other dirty tricks during tournament.
Only express angry / happy when far away from opponent.
Anyone who meets all of these conditions:

castles with one hand, knows how the horsey moves, sees mate in 2 immediately, can play blindfold >1500 level, routinely delivers smothered mate, has beaten me more than once.
the definition of good player in chesss are those who are picky and single even after being 20+(just a joke don't take it seriously)
anyways to be serious.. it is those who are dedicated and try their best to get to the next level and never settle down even after achieving their dreams and keep marching forward like a soldier....
When I said good I meant good at chess. Not behaviour or character
What rating he must have on lichess?
Is someone in top 10% good? Top 5%?
Can good player have low rating and bad player high?
Sportmanship... whether they are 500 elo or 2800.

Chess takes a ton of time. We also need time to be functional responsible humans so balance wisely. Just try to improve little by little.
And you will be a good player compared to 98% of the world.
@jammin3000 said in #6:
> Can good player have low rating and bad player high?
Yes. There's a friend of mine who isn't necessarily great at chess but has 10 tons of luck with him