
Cant win

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Average chess players tend to peak in their 30`s before declining. Younger players now tend to peak before that.
It's not impossible to increase or beat our own peaks, but requires more effort as we get older. Every day has it's troubles and some times it takes years to get back in shape.

Your Average Opponents are rated 1691.61
Your best win was was was 2274. Now you have to find that game and see if it was a won game by checkmate or by a losing game, but you won it by the clock. If we compare your present rating to the above numbers, your rating is still in-between them two.

Look in you profile and imagine a line going through your high and low peaks. That imaginary central line is closer to the truth then the peaks in either direction.
Let's just say it ok ? There are MANY players with high peaks which is when they Play Alot & NOT STUDY CHESS . To maintain & INCREASE previous highs one MUST STUDY Chess to STAY @kroqster So one must Study Play Play Study Chess . People get highs then EXPECT Miracles to continue
@kroqster said in #1:

The less said about the matter, the better; however, I can see where people might get the wrong impression and draw inaccurate conclusions:

Fact #1: It's not 'never', but I'm getting far fewer notifications than the first 5 years that I was on this site.

Fact #2: I'm no longer seeing any of the kinds of blatant cases that used to infest chess sites; they're complete gone. Most of my reports used to be successful; this is no longer the case.

Conclusion: Their algorithms are evolving and they're now comfortable having their systems automatically and proactively ban a lot of the kinds of cases that fit certain criteria.


Fact #1: Myself and my study buddies are seeing new heights on a regular basis and we don't share your experience.

Fact #2: Our experience is to the complete opposite of what you're describing.

Conclusion: You are only describing your own paradigm and perception, which is in obvious conflict with the truth of reality.


Fact #1: 'Projection' is every bit as real as the idea and existence of 'numbers'.

Metaphysics probably didn't begin with our bodies and minds; our bodies and minds are probably reflecting what was already here.

Fact #2: In many cases, right before we start cheating, our minds convince us that we're surrounded by cheaters.

This is because our sniveling and heinous ego can't stand its own reflection, and its modus operandi is to pretend to operate under the pretense, cover, and alibi of 'just cause'.

Conclusion #1: There is a strong likelihood that your subconscious is actively and preemptively attempting to provide itself with a pretext and an alibi, while simultaneously imposing a metaphysical simile of the 'hannibal doctrine' on the rest of the chess world, as it urges you to prepare the use of an engine for the "cause of good"; "cause of study"; "cause of information"; "cause of helping understand the problem better"; "cause of educating and fighting against cheaters", etc.

The chess world urges you to disengage from your subconscious ideation and to simply delve into the love of the sport, love of the chess world, and love of everything productive that chess has to offer everyone, instead.

Remind yourself why you love chess in the first place, and then turn your focus towards that, and that alone.

When your mind sends alarms to "warn" you about blablabla and "protect" you from blablabla...thank it for its dedication in wanting to protect you, disarm it, and the promptly return your focus to what you love.

Too long, we've caused, and have allowed, our minds to be manipulated to focus on the wrong things.

Too long, we've caused, and have allowed, our minds to be manipulated to tell ourselves lies.

Too long, we've caused, and have allowed, our minds to be manipulated to turn the possibility of a great environment into a projection of our subconscious focus, our fears, and our inaccurate misunderstandings.

Conclusion #2: If it's not love, it's garbage. It's high-tide that we get our minds right!

Can you even begin to imagine how much better off we'll all be?

(: (: (: Show me where I'm lying...I'll wait!! :) :) :)


May our pieces find the very best squares!

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