
Warning, DinkenSanfridsson. Letting time run out instead of resigning will result in a temporary ban

I dont like these kinds of treaths. Typically when I am better or worse the time runs faster than my fingers, and I lose on time. I play much 2-1 bullet. Maybe lichess thinks that players like me should stick to longer timecontrols, but fast is fun.

There is something wrong with the warning-algorytms. 30 seconds to slow when losing can deserve a warning (in 2-1 bullet), but 2,3,4 or 5 seconds when winning must not get warning.
@DinkenSanfridsson For example, lets say you are playing 2-1 bullet. You have 1 whole minute left. You don't make a move for the whole minute and run out of time. Lichess will think you are trying to annoy your opponent and send a ban warning. Try blitz, it's a much longer time control.
I got this treath second time in 20 minutes now. I was winning- had mate in one, but couldnt coordinate brain and fingers , spent probably 2, 3 or 4 seconds on the finishing blow and lost on time. I didnt see the clock because i didnt have time to look that way.
I don't know exactly how the algorithm works, but your third last move took 26 seconds when you had (a guess) 30 seconds left on the clock and only 120 + increment total time in the game (I think counted as a 160 second game) .

I guess they work out how long your last few moves took as a percentage of either total time or time remaining, you third last move took 16% of total time, and 86% of time remaining.

So, yeah, if you want to play 2 minute games, I guess you can't think for over 20 seconds on a move towards the end of the game.
I still want to play 2-1 games, even if I some days lose a lot on time. Usually I can nail 30 moves, and sometimes even 60 if I pump up the clock with premoves. I am probably 15% faster now than I were when I was 54 year old, and by the time I am 67 maybe I am fast enough if I continue playing a lot 2-1. Some moves and situations are difficult, and the time flies away. Thats chess.

If my lack of speed in some positions is unwanted on Lichess, I can play my bulletgames at Never gets warnings there. I think they should save the warnings for they who runs away from losing games without resigning.
This system is not perfect, sometimes fails. If you are not doing it on purpose, just ignore message.
I think it was to prevent annoying players,that's why It needed Create a warning for the players.But i could be wrong though.

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