
My 10 year old son has been unfairly banned from Lichess. What to do? (Continued)

I earlier wrote a post about my son Fahad (FahadChess123) who has been unfairly banned by Lichess Moderators accusing him of cheating. It's so disappointing to see that post was assumed to be written by him justifying his stance. We are all so paranoid now completely devoid of seeing right from wrong. I investigated further and found that his centipawn loss is showing 2 to 6 but it was not what he ended the games. It was around 20. His accuracy is showing up as 98% whereas it was around 80% when he played the game, Something is not right. Other evidence is that someone wrote on his behalf asking moderators to reactivate his account apologising for his mistake. He never wrote those lines. It seems there is some hacking in lichess platform targeting some players. Not sure how but I have a reason to believe that he has been treated unfairly without looking into the matter and providing an opportunity for player and parents to explain their position. Now he has been disqualified from PCA Q Finals. I need full investigation into this matter. And for those of you who think this is not Fahad's Dad, I am willing to talk to you directly to explain the case. I intend to take this to highest levels and find justice for my kid. Thanks and appreciate your support and guidance. Faizan Mustafa (Dallas, TX)
p:s I don’t know the technical details but he was with me during both rounds as we were driving back from a soccer tournament. Infact I had to ask his soccer coach to allow him to leave early so he can attend from the iPad. It’s unfair to the kid. He is good and passionate about chess. I am willing to let him play a game with Camera ON to eliminate any notion about him cheating.
You claim he was hacked, and someone wrote on his behalf aknowledging his mistake.

That is highly improbable.

You claim the inaccuracy and average centipawn loss were calculated incorrectly by a computer.

Since computers are pretty strong at calculation, that is also unlikely.

Anyways, if you really wanted to pursue the frivilous case, just to make the judge laugh, you can first send a demand letter to lichess requesting that his account be reinstated.

If they do not reinstate, you can bring it to court.

You will have to provide evidence that your son did not violate their terms of service. The burden of proof in this case is on the claimant (you).

Based on what you wrote above, the judge will dismiss your claim.

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