
There is a rematch button

I love it when I win a game and the rematch button turns blue. Then I say NOPE! And run away with their points. Specially after a lucky win, when they mouseslip their queen or an epic pre-move flagging. Best feeling evar :'^)
Winning a game require considerable effort and dedication! Getting a few points (although it is worthless in life) is a kind of reward for your achievement.
@lifsitch I don't know if you are joking, but certainly there are a lot of people like this.

I made a post as a feature request called "search for a match", this would turn "rematch" unnecessary since people that like to fly away after one lucky win would not use this feature. If you agree please comment there too.
I'm curious about your usage of "lucky" here. What constitutes a "lucky win?"
getting a cheap win a and running without giving a rematch is pathetic and cowardly. especially when you're just goin to Sit there and continue playing online anyhow. some ppl play actual otb chess and do not take online too seriously ... remember ppl these ratings are NOT REAL.
I admit sometimes I really want a rematch if I lose in a really weak way. Is my opponent obligated to rematch me? No. Sometimes you lose. I lose loads. Just suck it up and play again instead of making some passive aggressive post on here.
Wait! Why you want rematch and would like to lose more games!! Mathematically/statistically your opponent won cos he is likely better than you!!

There is "Learn from your mistake button" , review and improve yourself with stockfish!
I really don't understand the urge to play the same person more than once. Just play someone else; there are tens of thousands of players. Who really cares if your opponent is named jackknife69 or krotchnoiXOXO? You are taking this way too personally if you care about "cheap wins" and getting revenge. Just play chess. I could understand if it was difficult to get opponents, but there are tens of thousands.

Also, it's laughable to think someone is afraid of you. No one is afraid of you. If you have thoughts like that your ego is so fragile you think someone not wanting to play you a game of chess must mean you are too scary for them.
@CJ-NYC Now I'm really confused:

"getting [sic] a cheap win a and [sic] running without giving a rematch is pathetic and cowardly." Do you you miss your rating points? Oh...wait: "Remember ppl these ratings are NOT REAL."

Sooo...why do you miss the points?

Also, post #21.

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