
My first proper on line tournament, what a disaster!!

Will it get easier cause I lost 18 games outta 23. It was full on for six hours, lots of blunders I couldn't keep up / going . I hope I get better at it feel a bit rubbish lol xxx oh well all fun and games xxx
@yuipod said in #2:
> dont rush moves
Thanks , 20 mins classical did make me rush. Xxx
6 hours is a long long time to play chess. Image if your chess skills stay exactly the same, you'll play better for longer with each 6 hour tournament you do as your stamina improves.

18 loses out of 23 is neither good or bad, but for you, 17 loses out of 23 shows improvement. Gives you a goal to work towards. Helps you see if what you are doing is working or not.
@h2b2 said in #4:
> 6 hours is a long long time to play chess. Image if your chess skills stay exactly the same, you'll play better for longer with each 6 hour tournament you do as your stamina improves.
> 18 loses out of 23 is neither good or bad, but for you, 17 loses out of 23 shows improvement. Gives you a goal to work towards. Helps you see if what you are doing is working or not.
Thanks xxx
Your opponents did seem to be significantly higher rated most of the time, so may be 5/23 was your expected result. Your classical rating has barely changed!

Aside from this, looking very briefly at a few of the games, you did seem to blunder very badly under no time pressure and the games were fairly short in moves. Your opponents' were basically better at tactics. Then again it may be you were not using your opponents' time wisely, it's very easy to think only terms one's own actions especially if you mainly play short duration games.

I don't see any reason for disappointment, but clearly it's hard to balance this with the damage to one's ego losses bring!
@SchizoSi said in #1:
> Will it get easier cause I lost 18 games outta 23. It was full on for six hours, lots of blunders I couldn't keep up / going . I hope I get better at it feel a bit rubbish lol xxx oh well all fun and games xxx

You are looking at the amount of loses on your first tournament. But you are not looking at the amount of wins.

Now, if you went with the mentality to win the whole thing, at least you got your dose of reality check.

Next time, just go and try to do your best. If your best is a couple of w, its fine. Keep practicing and your best will be higher and higher, until you can actually win the tournament.

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