
Behavior Monitoring

I'm new to Lichess and am affiliated with a school chess team. Before students could be cautioned about safety practices, one of the students started playing random people and was asked, "do you want to sleep with me"? in the chat area.

While I am addressing this through the "use the report form", I'm curious if this is a very common problem and if there are settings that can help protect youth from these occurences.

As someone whos been on the site for years I can say this is the first Ive heard of sexual comments.
However there are people who will swear in chat and this is about as common here as other sites.
Please do use the report button for that as the mods here do take that stuff seriously.
One guy I played said he would give me a free queen if I told him my home address and age and gender.
Of course I didn’t agree. But at that time I didn’t know about the report thing.

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