
Shameful game

Hello buddies, I am new to this site and my good friend from my home country recently taught me this beautiful game. I began playing on and found lichess recently. I was beaten badly in an opening which does not usually happen. I was unfamiliar with my opponent's opening and so I was floundered when he moved his queen so early.
This is the sad game I lost.
How do i prevent this from happening in the future? When i am bamboozled by unfamiliar openings.
#1 Perhaps try pretending you are your opponent... "If Black moves his knight there, what would I do next?"
Hi Hurriane, seems to me you lost the game in a single move, namely 11.. f6. No harm done, just double-check next time: am i giving away a piece before you move.

Does this solve it? No, but it helps tremendously.

I don't see a problem with your the rest of your play. Shame, don't worry, it's a sport, people win and lose.
Queen openings can be difficult. Usually they employ some sort of trick as the defending player gets nervous and will react without thinking. Don't Worry about the queen! She is easily rebuffed if you take your time.

The Qh5... and then Qxe5 is a classic ploy, often delivering check and mucking up the center from very early on. protect E5 and this queen opening becomes much easier for you.

Another thing to watch out for, never push the g pawn in the case of Qh5, this can allow for Qxe5+ and then after Be7... Qxh8 and you lose a rook.

As for other openings that you don't know, there is nothing but practice practice practice!

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