
Finally! No more 1500? Pairings

I have two pieces of advice:

1. Whenever you queue up for a game, sometimes the automatic pairing takes over, and sometimes someone joins your game. If YOU want to be in control, just join other peoples games. Select lobby at the top center of the game window before you queue up and you can select your opponent. This way, you can see your opponent's rating before you play, and if they are 1500?, you can avoid them.

2. Don't worry too much about cheaters. They are not as common as you would think. A great way to never improve at something is to blame the wrong cause for your failure. If you consistently blame you losses on other factors other than your own play, it is unlikely you will improve. Focus on what YOU can do to improve yourself. This is true about chess and life in general. There is no use in worrying about others when it comes to your own goals.

If you are really concerned about cheating there are other steps you can take like practicing how to identify cheaters and reporting them.
How many speedruns and strong Multis are there tho compared to the total amount of players and games, is this really an issue?

Your complaining that he beat you and catapulted to 1800 as if you were jealous of his new rating even tho u lost only couple points.

Outside of verified accounts this seems like a good compromise within glicko2, where people can adjust to their true rating faster and thus much less noob bashing occurs, since you can’t just hand out free rating this also seems like the only way possible. It’s already a very clever system and faster than .com.

Looking at your games you won allot more games than you lost to ? players. Maybe try rapid and classical for larger player pool too? You seem unhappy with correspondence pairings, time to give quick launch lobby a go if you ask me!
@djungelskog Good idea in your first paragraph, but your second one is pretty condescending. How do you know he blames all of his losses on this problem. That sounds like a wild assumption on your part.
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"How many speedruns and strong Multis are there tho compared to the total amount of players and games, is this really an issue?"
Well, I think since 1500 is supposed to be around average about HALF of all the people he plays will be overmatching him. Ok, some will be legit 1500-1600 but that's still a huge %.

"Your complaining that he beat you and catapulted to 1800 as if you were jealous of his new rating even tho u lost only couple points."
Yea, I agree with you on this one.

"Outside of verified accounts this seems like a good compromise within glicko2, where people can adjust to their true rating faster and thus much less noob bashing occurs, since you can’t just hand out free rating this also seems like the only way possible. It’s already a very clever system and faster than .com."
This is a false dichotomy. It's not about glicko1 vs glicko2, high volatility. It's about provisional vs provisional and non provisional vs non provisional. And they CAN hand out free rating. I believe chess dot com asks you what your expected rating is when you join don't they?

"Looking at your games you won allot more games than you lost to ? players. Maybe try rapid and classical for larger player pool too? You seem unhappy with correspondence pairings, time to give quick launch lobby a go if you ask me!"
Telling someone to switch time controls is a pretty useless thing to say when his issue isn't with time controls. Using the lobby is a good idea as a last resort but he shouldn't have to be inconvenienced like this just because he has the bad luck that his rating happens to be the same rating that new accounts start out with.
restricting provisionals to provisionals :) I do hope you are joking. How would the rating align with established players if they do notplay with them? Ratings are relative i.e these provisional rated player would form a pool of their own and rating range coudl hundreds points off from those without the '?'
I agree that provisionals should be paired with other provisionals. Especially at longer time controls. If I'm rated 1800, I'd like to play someone roughly at my level. I shouldn't be forced to waste my time playing with a 1800? who is actually a much weaker player with a couple of wins, or a much stronger player who hasn't won enough games.
This is sadly more so the case with those poor people whose ratings are close to 1500. It's like they own an inn and have to accommodate everybody for free.

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