
What are your chess goals for this year?

To not be the worst chess player in the history of forever. To not find a way to get myself scholar’s mated on move 3. To not manage to somehow hang 3 knights per game! Arrrrgh!!
@Sheepbrain said in #21:
> Are you a full time coach or do you just coach for fun?

I would like to be a full time coach, but right now I'm more like a full-time wasting-my-time-with-writing-blogs-because-everybodys-tells-me-they-have-no-money coach.
I would like to develop a method for study that allows me to circumvent having no ability to focus and no ability to retain. I'm tired of learning through osmosis.
@Ian_Rastall said in #24:
> I would like to develop a method for study that allows me to circumvent having no ability to focus and no ability to retain. I'm tired of learning through osmosis.

A brain chip by Elon Musk?
Reach 2000 in blitz rapid and classical, and maintaining that rating for atleast a week or 2. Got it in rapid and extremely close in classical, but blitz is a far way off.
I want to play at otb fide tournament but no budget playing abroad and no chess tournament in my place
@Ian_Rastall said in #24:
> I would like to develop a method for study that allows me to circumvent having no ability to focus and no ability to retain. I'm tired of learning through osmosis.
"... everyone is different, so what works for one person may likely fail with another ..." - NM Dan Heisman (2002)
"... Just because a book contains lots of information that you don’t know, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be extremely helpful in making you better at this point in your chess development. ..." - NM Dan Heisman (2001)
"... The books that are most highly thought of are not necessarily the most useful. Go with those that you find to be readable. ..." - GM Nigel Davies (2010)
1900 rapid, and stabilize at 2000+ classical (currently not very stable). Also maybe 1500 rapid in chessdotcom but I don't play there often
Play well in my most important events. Spend less time online. Make my correspondence rating provisional again. Use the saved time effectively. Think less about my online ratings and simply enjoy chess. Spend less time on various forums and more on the real life. Sounds pretty ambitious, doesn't it?

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