
Why do you like to play chess?

My reason to play chess is that it's very funny game. Both of us play some moves that we don't quite understand we make blunder and pretend that we know everything about the position. And after analyzing by the engine stockfish says you both missed some moves and you're both suck. Now you share your reasons to play chess
To slow down brain atrophy, although it's very addictive and I often play even when I don't want to, it is better than watching tv although I often do both at the same time often resulting in losing .
It's stops the internal conversations in my mind if I'm concentrating on playing a game xxx
It doesn't stop the voices in my head, but it gets them to quiet down and think a bit.
I feel that I'm also becoming a victim of the trend I call "society ADHD" where lack of attention and inability to focus on one task for more than few minutes becomes a norm. I hope that hobby activities like playing a chess game for an hour or more or observing a space object for 15-20 minutes help me fight it.
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because there is always happiness and good humor to offer thanks to this game
because its good to see 6 year olds cry (chill im joking)

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