
En Croissant: The Ultimate Chess Toolkit

Okay, after spending a day importing most of my chess materials I have found two things that might constitute flaws, which doesn't stop me loving this program.

1) It is entirely possible there's a way to do this, but I haven't figured out how to get it to to give me the positions I've assigned "puzzle" status to me as puzzles. The repertoire section for instance is clearly its own feature, but either the puzzle feature hasn't been developed or I haven't learned how to use it.

2) This one I think is actually a fairly important bug. In the practice repertoire feature, especially with moderate to larger repertoires it can break; it'll go to a position, I will make the desired move and it will undo said move and be stuck (the move happens to be ...Nf8). The skip button doesn't work and if I delete that part of the repertoire it still goes to said position and crashes. No amount of closing things and reopening them seems to help. I can load the repertoire newly in again and after practicing some positions eventually reach the same positions where it breaks. Also, despite flagging a later move as the starting move in a separate repertoire it breaks by going to move one (white to move, in a black repertoire) and again I cannot skip or play. I do not think the PGN is broken and I've hit the first of these errors both inputting the repertoire manually and loading a prebuilt pgn.
Replicating the problem with a quick example to see if others have the same issue, I think it crashes specifically with transpositions:



Moves chosen as an example. When I practice the above in the training method the second time I reach 7.Bd3 it has issues, playing 7.Bd3 it will undo the move and the next/skip buttons stop having their intended effect.
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Hi. I'm not sure if this is a bug or something or I'm just not looking carefully but in the files option, when I create a new file is there a way to import pgn files on our local computer into the file i'm making?
Hi, thank you for the app.
1. When playing against the computer, is there an easy way to control the playing level of the engine like in Lichess? Besides configuring the same engine multiple times with different settings.
2. Can I automatically add alternative moves to blunders when generating reports?
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Stockfish has settings to control it's playing level (either via the skill setting or the ELO limit). It makes no sense to install different engines just to get different difficulty levels. Lichess for example offers playing against the computer at different levels, achieved via different configs for Stockfish
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