
is the amount of point refund to you fair after losing to a cheater?

most cheaters are using new account or they are very lower rated and some higher rated so the amount of rating you lose is very high and after grinding back to once you were rating wise lichess will refund you nothing or two or three points because according to lichess ["The refund is capped based on your peak rating and your rating progress after the game.
(For example, if your rating greatly increased after those games, you might get no refund or only a partial refund."]

therefore after wasting your time to get back to once you were u might get nothing; so this means it might be to not play at all after playing a cheater ; your time and energy spent playing is not considered here;

i would like to here other people perspective because the no. of cheaters is insane now a days and that is another point of discussion :)
you seem to be thinking of rating as a reward system. that's not what a rating is. your rating is an estimate of your playing strength.
the point of the refund is not to be "fair". the point of the refund is to get the estimate of your playing strength corrected. from that point of view, capping the refund based on your peak rating makes sense. if it was about fairness – then absolutely, you should get a full refund in all cases.
My Classical rating was provisional. I lost 106 points to two cheaters who were banned by lichess. I did not get any points refund.

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