
How to contain yourself in classical games / OTB tournaments

How to contain yourself in classical games / OTB tournaments? I happened to not be able to be patient while in the game and rushing and yeh.. This is becoming a big problem for me losing many winning games, hope to get some good advice, much appreciated.
I assume you mean psychological incontinence, not physical incontinence, but your question is still a bit unclear to me.

You say you lose lots of winning games. What exactly is going on with you when this happens?
@Brian-E said in #2:
> I assume you mean psychological incontinence, not physical incontinence, but your question is still a bit unclear to me.
> You say you lose lots of winning games. What exactly is going on with you when this happens?
Lack of patience or that feeling to "rush" i could say , this is srsly problematic xd
@xEVER_MOREx said in #3:
> Lack of patience or that feeling to "rush" i could say , this is srsly problematic xd

One of the former World Champions had a piece of advice. I have an idea is was Lasker.

"When you have a winning position, sit on your hands."

That's a bit flippant though. Other people here might have more practical advice than that.
@Brian-E said in #4:
> One of the former World Champions had a piece of advice. I have an idea is was Lasker.
> "When you have a winning position, sit on your hands."
> That's a bit flippant though. Other people here might have more practical advice than that.
Much appreciated , thank you bro
Maybe it ́s because you ́ve played hundreds of Blitz and Bullet games here, but only 9 Classical. Classical is a completely different discipline, with emphasis on the word discipline (in taking the time to look for all possible candidate moves and then to calculate). If you ́re not used to this, sure, you ́ll get impatient in long games/tournaments because you ́ll definitely be missing the adrenaline buzz of Blitz and Bullet. Put more time into 30 min games and thorough analysis of them, and the problem should get better.
@Brian-E said in #4:

> "When you have a winning position, sit on your hands."

I actually physically do this when trying to solve hard puzzles, and I don ́t touch the mouse until I ́ve either found the solution or am throwing in the towel.

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