
JannLee is a LM now?

nothing against JannLee, iam respecting his skills very much, but if he gets the title, then many other variant masters have to get it too.. or not?
why not? sounds like a nice back door, break 3K rating in any style of chess and get it.

probably still easier to do it the normal way :D
Exceptions can be made.
JannLee only plays crazyhouse, so he would never qualify for the title.
In his case it's more than just being the highest ranked player right now, he also has a very long career as the top crazyhouse player.
Well to be honest LM should be rated 2300+ atleast in standard blitz or lightning chess not just a variant...
Really are you going to give him GM status too cause he's rated 3k.
You guys are defeating the purpose of giving people titles...
JannLee deserves the title. Exceptions can be made. He does not play regular chess often and by the way he is rated over 2000 FIDE so that does qualify him for the title anyways. Read "4. have a FIDE profile (or national chess equivalent) exceeding a rating threshold of at least 1800"
JannLee Highest Rating is 3096

Should it not be JannLee requesting for the LM?
If it was not asked, there must be a reason.

Maybe the site should recalibrate and lower the Lichess ratings, so that the true FIDE World Champion rating is the highest rating that a player can get on Lichess.

#6. I believe that you are misguided about the requirements for the LM title. While JannLee's FIDE rating means he meets requirement #4, all *five* requirements should be met for the LM title to be awarded. So, according to the rules, his actual, over-the-board rating is a necessary, though not sufficient, requirement.

Apparently lichess has decided to make an exception to the published rules in this case. Perhaps it would be good to note that on the requirements page.
+1 Hatchet, Yes it is like one guy solves a very famous mathematical problem then a university hires him and then his collegues complain he does not have a Ph.D. and should have been hired.

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