
Would you rather?

Would you rather: Install stockfish directly onto your brain

Or: Train 20 years from the age of 6 every day to become to world champion

Both sides have pros and cons, personally I'd choose installing stockfish onto my brain because I'd prefer having a normal life (otherthan having the best chess software constantly running on my mind) like having a childhood etc but what would you do GCD?
I would be a bit suspicious if someone was making all the the moves a computer would do, and so I'd just train.
Training does not guarantee you to be a world champion for example look at Nakamura he will never become world Champion no matter how hard he tries..........
*Downloads Stockfish into brain*
*Agent Smith exits the chat*
Insert Stockfish in brain is much easier, i save 20 years of hard work and even if i work for all life i will never be good like a good engine.
There are much stronger engines. It would also depend on brain's processing power. Some engines require less processing power and learn by playing against themselves. To become world champion, it's necessary to download the best engine and train for 20 years.
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"Installing Stockfish in your brain" is the literal equivalent of a hidden camera in your lapel, an audio piece in your ear, and a friend relaying you answers through the ear-piece.

The fact you would enjoy something like that is dogged.

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