
Is Berserk bad??

I want to know if Berserk is bad, because it pops up during Arena games and I can't decide if it is right or wrong to go Berserk.
Berserk is good for the tournament's sake, if you are trying to improve with slow games play without berserk. Now I use berserk if my opponent is like 4 or 5 hundred points lower than me, just so I can get to the next game. Hope this helps!
more importantly:
in the berserk symbol is it you, your opponent, or someone else who is getting chopped in half?
"Berserk is for cave men" - Magnus Carlsen
Usually I berserk when there is an opponent + or - 300 rating from mine. Makes my opponent usually play faster trying to beat me leading to more mistakes.
Berserk is worth it if you can play well under time pressure. It's probably worth it if your opponent is a similar rating or lower rating to you and they go berserk. Although, if your opponent is much higher and they go berserk, you have a much better chance of winning (in a short game like bullet or blitz) if you stay with your full time.

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