
The root of all evil

You are a moderator ... Yes?
I will only say other chess servers do not make possible the opportunity to play multiple live games ... for good reasons. It leaves open to many forms of potential abuse.

When playing an opponent, one expects the opponent to be playing only you, unless they advertise a simul. It is considered "rude" for a player to play multiple games. Hence, "chess etiquette."
Imagine you go to a chess club to play a game with somebody. After he makes his move he leaves the board and you see him go to the corner, where he is playing a game with somebody else...
To be honest, @Titled_Patzer said it better than I could.

I mean the title is a bit ballyhoo, indeed - but lichess should rethink a basic principle.

Simultaneous games should be announced and not just tolerated by "laissez-faire".
This is the Internet not a local chess club. I do not have an expectation that my opponent is sitting there doing nothing but playing chess against me. I didn't even manage to write this entire 3 sentence post without looking at my phone and some of the 14 other open browser tabs.
I didn't think that you could play two games at once on lichess in the first place. Whenever I leave a game to do something and come back, there's a big notification on the homepage that says I have to either return to the game (which I usually do) or resign.
@Sarg0n @lovlas etc.
Probably should get rid of berserk too since it offends some people. Same with the chat box. Lets also do away with puzzles. And Tournaments. And lets get rid of lichess too since it offends the people at

@LetsDoSomeLines ROFL (very true, though).

I think as long as the players (playing multiple games) is not cheating and cursing, they should be allowed to play as many games as they like.

Clock runners are also a problem to all the chess servers but lichess has proper measures in place and I am very happy about that.

Multiple games are specially useful when your opponent is taking too much time (in a lost position especially), you can start a new game to avoid boredom.

Also, if the time control is 60 minutes, it means 60 minutes for each player and not 60 minutes for a winning player and 5 minutes for a losing player. No?

Usually to avoid bad players in long time controls, before making my move I check their stats, total games played, completion rate etc. It helps a lot.

Sure, you can let run down your allotted time and start another game... Or if you are bored you start another game, perfectly legal.

And why are the forums full of complaints about that?

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